LINE allows you to share photos, videos, voice messages, contacts and your location information easily with your friends. You can get the latest news and special coupons for popular artists, celebrities,brands and TV shows.
With LINE you can exchange free instant messages with friends whenever and wherever you like, with one-on-one messaging and group chats.
LINE is available on all popular smartphone devices:iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry and even on your PC.
KEY FEATURES INCLUDE LINE Stickers: More fun and expressive chats, with over 10,000 stickers and emoticons. Timeline:Use Timeline to share texts, photos,videos, and stickers to exchange stories with your close friends. Snap Movie:Create top quality videos in just 10 seconds! You can add cool background music and share with friends. Add friends easily: Quickly add friends using the "Shake It!" function, a QR code, or a LINE ID.
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- Platform(s):
- License:
- Freeware
- Support Lang:
- Multiple languages
- Os:
- Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 / Windows8 / Windows8 64
- Author:
- T59
User reviews
Firefox Firefox 38.0 Beta 9
Opera Opera 29.0.1795.47
Safari Safari 5.1.7
Avant Browser Avant Browser 2015 Build 10
Citrio Citrio 41.0.2272.255
Comodo Dragon Internet Browser Comodo Dragon Internet Browser 36.1.1
Comodo IceDragon Comodo IceDragon
Flash Player Flash Player
Flock Flock 2.6.1
Google Toolbar (IE) Google Toolbar 7.5.4209.2358 (IE)
IECookiesView IECookiesView 1.77
Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
Java Runtime Environment Java Runtime Environment
K-Meleon K-Meleon 74.0
Maxthon Maxthon Cloud Browser Beta
Microsoft Silverlight Silverlight 5.1.30514
MyLastSearch MyLastSearch 1.63
Netscape Netscape
Opera Mobile Opera Mobile 11.00.11648
Pale Moon 25.0.2 Pale Moon 25.0.2